From parenting groups and classes to domestic and family violence support services, oneplace is the go-to resource for children, families, community members and professionals looking to find local support in Queensland.
There are more than 58,000 records listed in oneplace and this is growing every day. When you’re looking for local support services, come back here to oneplace, where you’ll find up-to-date and comprehensive listings.
oneplace will highlight all the information you need to know – the distance from your current location to a service, the cost of a service and any eligibility requirements. The best part is that oneplace is easy to use. You don’t have to have swallowed a dictionary to get a result because oneplace searches the simple terms we use every day.
The fact is that life is getting busier and the pressure on families and individuals is growing. Everyone struggles from time to time and we want children, young people, parents and families to know that the struggle is normal and its okay to talk about it and ask for some support when you need it.
While your network of friends and family is a logical first place to seek support and advice, there’s also an enormous amount of help available from support services in the community. Professionals whose very job it is to support you in any area you might be struggling. oneplace will help you find the right service to support you at the right time.